This GraphQL query fetches All Brazilian_States_Lists
query allBrazilian_States_Lists { brazilian_States_Lists (skip: 0, limit: 3) { results { ACL Description Percentage_Territory State_Code State_Name Total_Area_SQ_KM Urban_Area_SQ_KM createdAt id updatedAt } } }
{ "data": { "brazilian_States_Lists": { "results": [ { "ACL": null, "Description": "It is located in the southwest of the North region and has the limits of Amazonas to the north, Rondonia to the east, Bolivia to the southeast and Peru to the south and west. \rMost of Acre is formed by untouchable forest, protected mainly by the establishment of fully protected forests, indigenous reserves and extractive reserves.Until 1903, the region of Acre was disputed by Brazil, Bolivia and Peru, when then Brazil bought this region from the Bolivians for 2 million pounds sterling, ending the dispute. Acre only started to be considered a Brazilian state in 1962, when it reached the necessary development.Acre's economy is based on extractivism (collections of what nature offers, without the concern of cultivating such resources). Acre, due to its great concerns with the exploration of the Amazon, received in 2002 the most important forest certification in the world, the �green seal�, for making wood withdrawals causing the least possible aggression to nature, in the Xapiru region. The state is the largest Brazilian rubber producer and the service sector stands out from the economy. The main means of transport is by rivers.", "Percentage_Territory": 1.92, "State_Code": "AC", "State_Name": "Acre", "Total_Area_SQ_KM": "164123040", "Urban_Area_SQ_KM": 49.5, "createdAt": "2020-02-10T21:08:19.806Z", "id": "HJNyipVYvj", "updatedAt": "2020-02-10T21:08:19.806Z" }, { "ACL": null, "Description": "It is located to the northeast of the North region and is bordered by French Guiana to the north, the Atlantic Ocean to the east, Para to the south and west and Suriname to the northwest. It is the best preserved Brazilian state, keeping almost the entire Amazonian forest intact, which covers 90% of its territory. The state has an urban population of 89%, second only to S�o Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and the Federal District.\r\rThe economy of Amapa has little participation in the national GDP and is basically concentrated in the extraction of Brazil nuts, wood and manganese mining. The state is one of the largest buyers of products from Para, a state to which it is closely linked. Macapa and Amapa consume food and other products mainly from the Maraj� region (Para).", "Percentage_Territory": 1.68, "State_Code": "AP", "State_Name": "Amapa", "Total_Area_SQ_KM": "142828521", "Urban_Area_SQ_KM": 69.3, "createdAt": "2020-02-10T21:08:19.806Z", "id": "rihQZ9WhQO", "updatedAt": "2020-02-10T21:08:19.806Z" }, { "ACL": null, "Description": "Alagoas is located to the east of the Northeast region, with the limits of Pernambuco to the north and northwest, Sergipe to the south, Bahia to the southwest and Atlantic Ocean to the east. Currently, the fastest growing economic activity in the state is tourism, the capital Macei� being one of the most visited in the northeast region. Other activities that play an important role in the economy of Alagoas are:\r\rAgriculture: cultivation of products such as pineapple, coconut, sugar cane, beans, tobacco, cassava, rice and corn.\rLivestock: Equine, cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep and pig breeding.\rExtraction: rock salt mineral reserves, natural gas, in addition to oil.\rIndustry: sugar and alcohol production, cement and food processing.\rFor a long time, agriculture was the main activity of the Alagoas economy, but today it represents only 10.3% of it. This reduction occurred because the government in the 1960s started to diversify investments, investing in rock salt exploration and oil production.", "Percentage_Territory": 0.33, "State_Code": "AL", "State_Name": "Alagoas", "Total_Area_SQ_KM": "27778506", "Urban_Area_SQ_KM": 202.1, "createdAt": "2020-02-10T21:08:19.806Z", "id": "J36Amm45zo", "updatedAt": "2020-02-10T21:08:19.806Z" } ] } } }